Pumpkin Pie 一直都是我喜歡的派。原因是因為又簡單又營養(這部分可以調整)。睽違了兩個週末,我又可以享受放鬆的週休二日了。真心認為員工平日晚上&週末免費加班的老闆食在是太可惡了(到底是有多氣?)。

今天一早因為可憐的KC必須搬lab,所以即使生日也無法讓我們為他慶祝。所以周六早晨就我和LF一起吃早餐。每到The Pantry都會被Benny和酪梨系列給制約,所以今天又再度點了California Benedict。 還是好好吃喔。LF則點了Salmon Benedict。

秉持著一日之記在於晨所以週末早餐要很豐富,所以又點了一份Full Stack的
Today's Special Pancake: Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll Pancakes! (南瓜肉桂卷煎餅!)

不管是鹹的還是甜的都好好吃!最後食量沒有很大(才怪) 的我們當然是吃不完外帶了。應該夠當週間某一天的早餐。不過很油滋滋就是了,愛漂亮的少女請斟酌。畢竟我是選擇先吃再辛苦運動的路線。

吃完早餐我就和LF一起到我小公寓打算做個pie。由南瓜派實在是相當簡易又好吃,所以選擇了它。我們是使用了改良版的 William-Sanoma 食譜。改得比較健康一點而且還是很好吃喔!


Graham Cracker Pie Crust: 派皮選擇了graham crackers 的派皮:

1. 16 pieces of graham crackers (I used low fat cinnamon graham cracker)
2. 6 tbsp of milted butter
3. 1&1/2 Tbsp light brown sugar ( I loosely packed it)

1. preheat oven at 350F.
2. crushed the crackers finely and added melted to it, mix well. (food processor will be convenient here, but I don't have one in my tiny gallery kitchen.)
3. tightly pressed the crumbs into the baking dish to form a pie crust and bake for about 15 mins.

Healthier Pie Filling:

1. light brown sugar -3/4 cup
2. cornstarch - 1tbsp
3. salt - 1/2 tsp
4. ground cinnamon - 1&1/2 tsp
5. nutmeg - 1/4 tsp
6. pumpkin puree - 2 cups
7. eggs - 3
8. light cream - 1 cup
9. 2% milk - 1/3 cup

1. preheat oven at 375F.
2. whisk all dry ingredients together (item 1-5) and then added the wet ingredients one by one (item 6-9) and mix well. (After adding mile & cream, the filling may look watery. But don't worry since you got eggs and cornstarch!)
3. I used a 9.5" pie pan and baked for ~45 mins.
4. Make sure it is completely cooled before you cut into it! It turned out REALLY GOOD and solidified really well!

* I had some extra filling and just baked it in 5 silicon cupcake cups. They also turned out great!

加不加Whipped Topping 都很好吃喔。除了等待冷卻的過程很久以外其實真得很簡單!

我和LF因為等待時已經接近午餐時間了,所以還跑去Frank Pepe's 吃了個 medium white clam pizza! 外加外帶Luciabella's mini pastry! (都走到wooster square了...哈哈,當然要買一下!)

吃完午餐回去還泡了Lupicia 的 chestnut green tea 配 pumpkin pie 才結束和LF吃吃喝喝的一天。晚上有因為罪惡感所以多吃一點青菜啦!(心虛。)

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    Nicolicious Life

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