雖然老闆回來了=苦哈哈的日子又開始了,但是我還是要過我的堅持不overly stress out的生活。這是最近紓壓做出的南瓜巧克力餅乾。特地找了一個蛋糕口感的軟綿綿配方,結果相當讓我滿意。熱愛蛋糕的我喜歡這餅乾的原因是因為這根本是餅形狀的蛋糕嘛! (跟單烤muffin top有不一樣啦,口感有比較細一點。)
加入南瓜泥的配方可以減低油量,也可以增加 Fiber & Vit. A 的含量噢!
食譜參考: http://www.allrecipes.com
This recipe makes 12 soft cakey cookies:
1. pumpkin puree - 1/2 cups & 1 Tbsp
2. white sugar -1/2 cup
3. vegetable oil - 1/2 cup
4. egg -1 (or use egg white - 1/4 cup! I used this to make the recipe a bit healthier!)
5. all-purpose flour - 1 cup
6. baking powder - 1 tsp
7. salt - 1/4 tsp
8. baking soda - 1/2 tsp
9. ground cinnamon - 1 tsp
10.vanilla extract - 1 Tbsp
11.chocolate chips - 3/4 cup ( I use special dark chocolate!)
12.Nuts (optional!)
1. Preheat oven to 350F.
2. Mix item 1-4 well.
3. In another bowl, mix the rest of the dry ingredients (item 5-9).
4. Add the dry mixture (3) into the wed mixture (2) slowly and mix well.
5. Add vanilla and stir well.
6. Fold in chocolate chips and nuts.
7. Drop by spoonful on a greased cookie sheet and bake in preheated oven for ~10mins or until just golden.
* Since this recipe is for cakey cookies, I check the doneness with a toothpick!
Cool cookies on cookie racks and enjoy them with coffee, tea or hot chocolate!!!!
I don't really make cookies that often since it's difficult to reduce the fat portion and I'm trying to watch my figure, but this recipe is really nice and less unhealthy.
I eat 3 cookies a day recently!!! (oops...)